Everybody likes Pictures

>> Monday, April 29, 2013

Anyone that has ever read this blog knows that I am horrible blogger. I just disappear and then sometimes resurface. For that I apologize, but I never promised to be good at this.

I am not going to write a whole blog update today because I have an adorable baby to play with instead. That's right, Avery was born on March 6th at 7:57am and she is an absolute joy. I will also add that she is the result of that phone call on January 18, so thank you for all the prayers and thanks for your patience since I never updated after that post.

Someday I might come back to this space and update more about our adoption journey and our amazing hospital experience. However today, I will instead share our tumblr page that documents the day to day happenings of our little girl. A photo blog like tumblr is a little easier commitment for me during this season of life, plus I believe that everyone would prefer to just looks at pictures of a cute baby instead of reading my ramblings.

Without further delay...enjoy the pics of our sweet Avery and feel free to bookmark the page because I am actually doing a good job of updating the Tumblr site.

Avery Grace Tumblr Page

Love you all and thanks for years of support while we slowly made our way to the wonderful world of parenthood!


Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home
Franklin, TN

This Blog is....

A glimpse into my journey to grow my faith and my family. Each day I am trying to trust in God's plan for my life, while I struggle with my own desires for my career, my marriage, and my hope for a family.

Our Furry Friend

Our Furry Friend

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